

INROAD Internazionalizzazione Produzioni Area Sud Basilicata-Pollino

Italy Southern Basilicata – Pollino awaits you!
A piece of land one travels through flavours, sights and flavours, lush woods, rivers, lakes and charming hamlets: a set of diverse territories.

“Inroad Internazionalizzazione Produzioni Area Sud Basilicata – Pollino” is a project that aims to support South Basilicata and Pollino companies in the agro-industrial and artisan sector in the implementation of internationalization actions.
*Intervento finanziato con risorse FSC 2014/2020 – Regione Basilicata.

Azienda Agrozootecnica Casearia di Maria Stellato:
An ancient farm in the heart of Pollino, in the municipality of Chiaromonte, at 750 m above sea level. The main product is cheese, aged in two wonderful natural caves dug by hand immediately after the Second World War.
Cheeses. Sheep and goat product with natural lamb rennet, dry salting and maturation in natural caves.
agriturismostellato@gmail.com / +39 3489350934

De&De srl:
De&De company mainly deals with organizing events in order to promote and sell agri-food products from the Lucanian area. De&De brings together producers and high quality sellers.
Products: cheeses and typical soup from the Pollino area ”Rappasciona”
giuliadecri@yahoo.it / +39 3494976487

Gusto Fantastico:
Located in Senise (PZ), we produce fresh, dry and organic pasta with 100% Lucanian wheat from the Pollino National Park and Italian organic wheat.
www.gustofantastico.it / info@gustofantastico.it / +39 0973/030737


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